18 October 2009

Sweet Kiss

Beesewax will protect your lips from the cold winds of autumn and winter and the precious oils such as almond oil, castor oil, sheabutter and cocoabutter will nurture the delicate skin of your lips. Your lips will turn soft and kissable.
La cera d'api proteggera le tue labbra dai venti freddi del autunno e l'inverno, mentre gli oli preziosi come l'olio di mandorla, l'olio di ricino, il burro di karité e di cacao nutrono la pelle delicata. Le tue labbra saranno morbide e da baciare!
Bijenwas beschermt uw lippen tegen de koude wind van herfst en winter, terwijl de amandelolie, ricinusolie, karité- en cacaoboter de kwetsbare huid van de lippen voeden en verzorgen. Uw lippen zullen zacht en kusbaar zijn.

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